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Old 2006-10-13, 13:24   Link #25
♪♫ Maya Iincho ♩♬
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Originally Posted by killmoms View Post
Considering how much physical training and exertion is involved with being a professional athlete? Who knows? I'm not one to defend professional athletes' salaries, I think they're paid too much for what they do, but I'm not gonna sit here and say they don't work hard for it. They do more physically intensive training and exertion than most of middle class America. They're probably only outdone in terms of physical labor by people in life-long physically challenging professions like... I dunno, coal mining comes to mind, but most "blue collar" jobs are now being supplanted by machine assistance. In any event, yeah, we probably hold athletes up too high in terms of social status, but to say they're lazy for retiring at 36 when they've done more exhausting physical work than you or I will probably do in a lifetime is pretty fucking petty.

Besides, he was a dad with a family. He had a kid, who will now have to grow up without his father. I wouldn't wish a parent's death on any kid, that shit blows. I know, I've seen it. So, to sit there and go "HA HA" is pretty fucking cold, even if you think he was just some jock jackass. He was a person too, with people who loved him, just like you, so I'd HOPE you'd be able to empathize.
They are celebrities, that's pratically what they are meant to do; Entertain the public so there won't be riots. I'm not much of the sports fan but I do understand that because there's a demand in celebrities, they'll keep getting paid and more will come.

ps:If ya have played Civilization III, you know you spend like 50% of your money just to keep you freaking citizens happy.

also, it's news because the amount of reported plane crashes is meager compared to the amount of traffic accidents on the road. I know i can listen to the radio in the morning and hear like 2-3 crashes every morning.

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