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Old 2006-10-28, 18:34   Link #318
Join Date: Apr 2003
I would like them to avoid it as well, and given the shorter nature of the anime, it probably won't go there. But I think even if they did "go there" -- if it was in a serious and tasteful way, it could still work out very well. Because AFAIK every other time this type of thing happens in an anime its always done in an ecchi/comedic fashion instead.

That said, I really doubt it. They wouldn't put all this emotional investment into Shouko, and to a lesser extent Tetsuya, and then screw them both over and go for the "eww" route.

In the manga, given a longer amount of time to deal with the situation, I can theorize ways they COULD have it eventually shift into a Karada/Hiro relationship, with Shouko being enrolled in a school and "starting over" after some type of closure and coming to terms between her and Hiro. (And still done well without being lame) But they haven't really set up the plot with enough meat to it yet that it could go on very long without getting stale.
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