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Old 2006-11-02, 03:28   Link #66
what do i know
Join Date: Aug 2006
I was rooting for L before he died because i beleve he was right
Light was insane, killing criminals is ok but when do you start to draw the line. Like Ryuuku said if u start killing people who you think have evil hearts you will end up the only one left. Apprently for Light killing innocent poeple that were on his trail was more important then killing the criminals he could have just let ray go believing he was innocent and keep killing criminals in secret but he just had to kill him and then L who was on his trail after that.

ok i won't lie im a christian and i do beleive that only god should decide who lives and who dies.

However i will draw a middle ground here for the people who dont think there is a god and say that even though circumstances cause death. Humans should not be able to control who lives and who dies its just too much of a power rush for some people and they will go trigger (or in this case pen) happy ex.light

You can argue what if it is a rightous human who will only kill criminals, but i dont think such a person exists who cant be corrupted by that much power
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