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Old 2006-11-18, 22:02   Link #58
Join Date: Dec 2005
Originally Posted by Samatarou View Post
I just heard that Aya Hirano was hospitalised as an emergency case two weeks ago (5th November), does anyone have info on this? Google doesn't reveal any news to me on this and her website doesn't seem to have been updated since 12th. Is this the curse of Death Note (her current series)?
Yes, you heard right.
Hirano Aya collapsed and was hospitalized during a voice dubbing recording session for DEATH NOTE on November 3rd, and was forced to cancel her appearance at the Waseda University event on the 5th and all subsequent work.

She had a high fever and collapsed from overwork, and since then has been recuperating at home, although she has yet to return to work as of today, including her scheduled performance today at the 11th Annual Kobe Animation Awards ceremony, which Hare Hare Yukai won the category for best song (incidently, the presentation will be shown live by net streaming between 12:30-5:30 PM JST today here in which Gotou Yuuko and Chihara Minori is scheduled to appear).

The main reason she collapsed was her busy work schedule including 7 anime roles (DEATH NOTE, Sumomomo, Busou Renkin, Galaxy Angel II, NANA, Himawari!!, and Manabi Straight) and 3 radio programs at the time she was hospitalized, along with her daily life as a university student.

Although Aya is partly to blame for failing to condition herself 100% as a professional seiyuu, her agency is at fault for cramming so much work, although they probably didn't expect her to win so many role auditions a few months ago.

Then again, seeing seiyuu interviews and blogs where they mention drinking and doing karaoke all night along, I wonder if they are taking care of themsleves, especially their voices.

Seems like Aya's near convalescent, so she should be back working soon.

Yuri de yuri de yuriyuri ne!--Tsunomoto Rein

Last edited by eggplant; 2006-11-18 at 22:05. Reason: revised URL.
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