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Old 2006-11-30, 06:04   Link #60
Join Date: Nov 2006
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Originally Posted by Vallen Chaos Valiant View Post
The thing is, Lelouch doesn't actually need to fake civilian brutality on the part of Britannia or the Japanese Terrorists.

That doesn't mean Zero can't amplify said brutality though, (e.g. using bombs in episode 8) or to organise the mass-media to make existing acts of brutality look worse than usual through the sensationalism of reporters.

The most damaging kinds of lies are those that are mixed with the truth. Episode 8 is the first solid evidence that Lelouch is willing to deceive the innocents...

The question is, where does this lead? If you are willing to deceive innocent people for your own ends, how far would you need to go before the needs of the innocents were disregarded all together?

Lelouch made a promise not to tell lies to his sister, but he made it clear then, that anyone else is fair game.
Hes deceiving the public, Yes, but will he risking the lifes of innocent?? I'm not so sure about it. Remember, his need to turn the odds against him is really important cause he have no weapon watsoever... juz onli his Geass power and his Order of Black Knights. Up against a oversized opponent Brittania, u really can't blaming him gettin public recognition since this will really give the Brittanian army alot of media pressure and attention. Besides that, when he met the Resistants, he said he won't involve the innocent to join in their war. Hope he keep his words :X
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