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Old 2006-12-04, 02:45   Link #36
Join Date: Nov 2006
I didn't mind the recap. Bit sad that we'll have to wait an extra week for new stuff, but the Bleach omake eps and spontaneous week offs they had in production seems to have made me a little callous to the issue.

A few things also caught my eye which I've missed when just rewatching the episodes normally. Specifically that Suzaku uses the same spin-kick in the Lancelot (ep2) when he attacked Lelouch as he did when he faced down Lelouch on the rebel truck (ep1)-- I wonder if that's military training, or something from his background.

Also when Lelouch was granted the Geass before, there's a new translation from the original one in the GG ep 1 sub turning the statement of the man at the end into a question "The Union of Ragnarok, has the legend started again?" Originally I had assumed that person was just some figment of the pact like the fields of women with the marked foreheads, but now I realize that was the emperor and it puts more weight on the possibility that he does have some mystical ...something... and the comment from the previous ep about having spoken with Clovis has more believability to it as well.

And excuse me if I'm slow and these points have been brought up in ep 1-slash-2 discussion
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