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Old 2006-12-12, 11:31   Link #14
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Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: France
Seen it yesterday. (and I wil probably go see it again this week)

I am bit disappointed. I was expecting more from Satoshi Kon who is my favorite director.

It's a wonder that this movie is an adaption of a novel NOT written by Satoshi Kon, as the universe of this movie is truly his.

This movie is like a crossover between Millenium Actress and Total Recall. It has not the same scent of novelty as Millenium Actress had, and the dream/reality plot is a bit cliché now. And if Hirasawa's music is a little more acceptable than usual (I HATE THAT GUY, but the main theme is ok), it's also very repetitive and tiring.

Still, the animation is solid. The plot is decent, and there are those amazing chasing scenes from different realities that made Millenium Actress that great.

Probably the best animated movie of the year, but it's below Kon's average. If you have not seen Millenium Actress, you'll probably find it absolutely awesome.
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