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Old 2006-12-17, 10:33   Link #7
Join Date: Nov 2003
Location: The Fields of High Attus
Age: 34
They didn't mention where they got their inspiration from; I suspect that'll come in later. Actually they're unlikely to reveal much at this point of time, really... got to keep the information in so you can release it timely (and hence force suckers to buy the magazine).

They also didn't mention anything Chinese apart from Hei posing as a Chinese student. Hm, I'm still curious why they're doing it, I hope it's not just some 'cool' thing only.

Of course I haven't actually like scrutinized the other parts of the mags to see if there's any other bits talking about it...

As for the type of show it's going to be - I'm not totally confident with my understanding of the Japanese language myself so I might have missed out the nuances of what was being said, but my own guess based on the text plus my own warped expectations... I think they'll probably unwrap the standard mystery behind the Hell's Gate through the individual encounters with the guest characters in an episodic manner, and then around ep 18 or 20 or so (if this is 2 seasons long) they'll have some continuous conclusion arc. Or they could go with the mostly-episodic-with-2-or-3-short-continuous-arcs approach.

For 'world view'... I dunno, I think they might be talking more about the flavour of the show and the way of looking at things being carried out? I'm not sure. But I don't think they'll make it very Code Geass-ish, it seems more like a mystery detective thing than a political/"whose side are you on" type of thing. And I'm sure it'll be a lot more um... "calm" than Geass. I think.

Well, for now I'll just keep a vague eye on it... I'm not particularly hooked to it, yet.
Thanks for the fish
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