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Old 2006-12-27, 02:33   Link #11
Nothing to see, move it.
Join Date: Jul 2006
Location: Montreal, Canada
Age: 48
Silly rabbit, Trix are for kids!
following description hits the nail on the head a few times ^^;;

People born in the Year of the Rabbit often make ideal diplomats or politicians. A Rabbit person has grace, culture and beautiful manners. Although Rabbit people get on well with everyone, at heart they are basically reserved creatures, and are only really happy when they are engrossed in some sort of scholarly or intellectual activity. They are just too sensitive for the world around them. They are not able to thrive in a competitive or aggressive environment, and it makes them anxious if someone forces them to take risks. Their inner world is simply too delicate for unsettled or unpredictable situations, and they tend to create a peaceful and comfortable atmosphere on a hunch. This character trait makes them very hospitable and attentive people, who take care of those around.

The average Rabbit person emphasizes the importance of small details. They pay attention to everything from colour, design and furniture to food and conversation. And only when they are sure that everything has been arranged as they wish can these people relax and have fun.

Person born in the year of Rabbit often lead a conservative lifestyle where one of the most important things is their security. This quality has a negative side also: opting for safety over risk, they may miss good opportunities. This does not imply that these people are frivolous or irresponsible, for when they truly believe in something, they are serious, perseverant and capable.

Calm as they are, it is not easy to provoke Rabbit people. They are sentimental and compassionate. They can be moved by the personal problems you share with them.
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