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Old 2006-12-30, 08:47   Link #73
Kinny Riddle
Gone for Good
Join Date: Apr 2004
I had always thought Kitagawa to be just "another side character", lol, so seeing him come help Mai out was a welcome surprise.

Of all the Kanon girls, Kyo-Ani seems to be giving more attention to Shiori's ever expanding wardrobe, as she's one of the few girls, besides Ayu and Makoto, to not wear a school uniform, well, most of the time for her anyway. I wonder if Kyo-Ani will ever have her wear her original costume?

Now that someone above has mentioned it, these fire extinguishers sure are made of paper. While I'm not surprised Mai can lift something as heavy as that, as she deals with heavy duty demon hunting every night, Yuuichi sure can wave a wooden katana.

Though they've let Kitagawa take over Sayuri's place in helping Mai, I'm glad Kyo-Ani kept the part where Mai gives Kuze that menacing look as she warns Kuze to stay off her lover, I mean best friend, Sayuri, or face the consequences.

Nayuki's sleeping antics have reached a new level, though it's nothing new for an old Kanon gamer like me, it's still refreshing to see her act funnily. Interesting comments above concerning Nayuki's sleeping problem.

Spoiler for Nayuki:

Quote of the episode: Use your Uguu~ Power!

A 9 as it can't be 10 all the time.
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