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Old 2007-01-04, 10:27   Link #1158
Julius Firefocht
Senior Member
Join Date: Apr 2006
I am hereby applying for membership to the KKK. However, my first loyalty is forever to my God-Empress Suzumiya Haruhi and Her servant Asahina Mikuru, I hope that is acceptable to the leaders of KKK. If not, consider my request null and void, and no ill will is meant or taken.

BTW, I hope the Green Demon does not win in the remake. I mean, she won the first time round only because she was working behind the other girls' backs! Kaede for Rin, I say!
In the eternal service of Her Most Holy God-Empress, Suzumiya Haruhi and Primarch Fate Testarossa Harlaown of the Blood Angels Legion.
We are armored by the Empress Herself.
Rightousness is our Shield, Faith our armour and Hatred our weapon.
Aye, we are indeed the Angels of Death.

Blog featuring anime, manga, seiyuus, tabletop wargames (WH40K) and everything in between:
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