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Old 2007-01-19, 18:32   Link #54
Lost in my dreams...
Join Date: Jun 2006
Age: 37
Quite a lot of truths revelaed in this episode i must say This one was literally packed with hints and revalations.

Shiori has a fatal illness... i can't say i am surprised - this is something i expected from the very start. What did surprise me though - the fact that she has less than a week to live 0_o ... and i was certainly not expecting this declared in the first Shiori focused episode. I think this will be one heck of a trainwreck as far as emotions are concerned.

So Mai and Sayuri have to stay in the hospital for a while... a way to make sure they don't steal the screentime of other girls Tho Mai "loosing" her powers for a while is really convinient, isn't it? Not only must she stay off-screen, but she is also stripped of her power for a while - meaning she won't be able to help Shiori.... quite handy i must say. I am pretty sure Shiori won't make it

Mai's comment about Ayu... and the nurse seemingly recognized her... more hints about Ayu. Now i am almost certain she is some sort of ghost

Shiori... she is made of pure cute The scene where Yuuichi was throwing snowballs at her was one of the cutest things ever. I grinned like an idiot trough it.

"i prefer quantity over quality" made me laugh Obviously Yuuichi was missing on purpouse. He keeps earning points in my book - he truly is a nice guy... save for his ignorance towards Nayuki... i do wonder how he manages to miss her growing ... saddness(for the lack of a better term). Makes me wonder, because he seems quite sharp.

I have waited for ages for Shiori arc to start... i can't wait to see more of it.
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