Thread: Naruto Q&A
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Old 2007-02-21, 06:18   Link #1003
Join Date: Nov 2006
Location: Oslo, Norway
Age: 36
Originally Posted by Qbi Sannin View Post
What's the significance of a red forehead protector versus a blue one? I know Lee was wearing a red one before the time skip, but then Sakura was wearing one after the time skip. Can someone explain?
not really anything special I think. they just chose the color they like the best.
think of it as todays fighters wearing headbands,
some wear white, some wear black.
most of them just wear what they think look best and what color they like.

(though in Naruto...they have a little to much places to put the forehead protector... whats next? around the ankle? it's a forehead protector. it's there to protect the forehead!!! ooh well...independence FTW! )

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