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Old 2007-02-22, 00:29   Link #14
cho~ kakkoii
Join Date: Nov 2003
Location: 3rd Planet
Nice! Very nice! The episode had everything. New characters. Ururu. Rangiku. A vulnerable Orihime-chan. A bad ass Arrancar who can't stand Ulquiorra. More super bishie Aizen. Hilarious Rukia's making up sob story to stay near Ichigo. She so wants him.

Few things that are puzzling at the moment is how any of the crew will be able to defend from Grimjaw and his equally bad ass looking posse, who are ready to search and destroy all those spirit forces?

When Rangiku hugs Orihime, her face in one scene reminded me of the time when Gin was about to leave. I loved that scene. In fact, we see that face of Rangiku in the ending song. I miss Gin's permanent grin. Hopefully, he will be making his debute soon enough.

Character design, was pretty good overall, aside for those goofy scenes. The only complain from this episode was the horrible BGM that was played during when Grimjaw and his posse gathered together. I give this episode 8/10 for a lot of comedic moment, the touching scene when Orihime breaks down and Rangiku comforts her like an elder sister (Orihime really is pretty lonely), and for more classic Aizen moment.

Some of my favorite screen from the episode:

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