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Old 2007-02-23, 16:50   Link #41
Srin Tuar
Join Date: Sep 2004
Originally Posted by Sushi-Y View Post
Well, that's not including Shana vol.0 (between vol.9 and 10) and vol.S (between vol.12 and 13), so it's really 16 volumes out so far. ^^;
Uwa, okay, Ive put them in my cart so i will remember that.
I wouldnt have know about those extra books, because I havent been following it from the beginning.

Thank you for the heads up, I really appreciate it.
Im thinking how confused I would have been in ZNT volume 10 if I hadnt read the tabasa gaiden.

Originally Posted by Sushi-Y View Post
As for the novel development, I generally find the novel reading experience more rewarding if you don't know the story beforehand (although the same could be said for the reverse).
Yeah, I know exactly what you mean.
Of the two, I think I like reading the novel first better myself.

For one thing, I would have never ever read the karin manga if I saw the terrible anime adaption first, but its one of my favorite manga.

OTOH, the suzumiya haruhi anime was so well done, its hard to get any motivation up to read tho novel. version. What motivated me to read shana (besides running out of zero) was the terrible ending of the anime, and the sense that there was some more development for Yuuji. I mean, he was just barely starting to get strong when the series ended. And there had been no resolution of the whole love story. There must be more. I hope I have time to catch up before a second season starts. Such a mountain of text to read.

Originally Posted by Sushi-Y View Post

*tries to bring topic back to Zero*
Generally though, I don't think "rushing" is nearly as bad as "skipping". Although the first season had to go into fast forward mode near the end, at least they covered the events relatively accurately. It's the "man, I wish they didn't cut that scene out" that hurts the anime's rating more.
Spoiler for from vol.2:

All this talk is making me anxious for the second season again. Give me some Siesta-on-Saito action already!
Hrm, rushing and skipping both bother me alot. I was real disappointed in the anime's ending streak.
but also:

If there is a second season, I will definitely watch it though. The animation and voices were well done.
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