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Old 2007-02-24, 10:08   Link #67
Holy Beast ~Wuff!~
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Originally Posted by Vallen Chaos Valiant View Post
After all, there was a time when electric cars were considered more practical and reliable than petrol cars.
You have a point there, while some people may be or may not be aware is that the concept of fuel cell was discovered in 1838 by a German scientist, but it was only in 1959 when a British inventor created a 5kW fuel cell, then an improved version which went to 15kW. (Germany thinks, British Makes, oh the irony!)

So if we take that in account, it is quite possible that the vehicles we see on the civilian market could very well be Fuel Cell.

Then we move onto 1960's where a 200kW fuel cell was used for the space program, while we have no evidence to suggest any sort of space exploration in Code geass world, that technology is more the enough to be modified for vehicle if there were no competitive and widely distributed internal combustion engine.
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