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Old 2007-03-16, 05:57   Link #99
wingéd prettygirl
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: Wollongong, NSW, Australia
Age: 40
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@ Sai

I suppose I count as a Clannad 'virgin', having never played the game or much encountered any of the story at all, apart from a few tantalising hints around various online venues - a lá this forum, at times. This wasn't the case with either Air or Kanon, so I'm highly looking forward to my first 'uncontaminated', or perhaps 'unknowing' exposure to a key game cum anime. I've listened to the OST for Clannad a few times, and to that of Tomoyo After - but that's largely because of my love for Lia and the Key Music Trinity (Maeda, Orito, Togoshi).

@ kaoshin

Firstly, Studio Sunrise (Sunrise Studios, perhaps), Nippon Sunrise, Sunrise Inc. Yes, I'm aware that it's referred to as 'Sunrise' in common parlance, but, names as names. That said, the subject is rather silly. Oh, and just a quickie... nicknames/abbrev.'s are common usage, aren't they? My own name is abbreviated in common usage, names of countries (for instance, the United States of America as US, or America), slang terms, nicknames... all part of common language, I feel.

As to the moé factor, well... it's a market. Products aimed at that market sell, and they will continue to sell for rather obvious reasons - the consumers are still there. And from the numbers, it looks as if it's still growing, so it isn't as if companies that specialise in material aimed at that market - in which grouping we could place, albeit loosely, Kyoto Animation (hereafter KyoAni) - are going to stop producing content, until the market shifts again, or metamorphoses into something else.

Your point, realistically, seems to be that you dislike KyoAni and the like because they don't produce content aimed at your particular set of the market. All well and good; you are entitled to like or dislike whatever material you wish. Myself, I'm not a fan of mecha products or of (almost all) shounen products. Much as you dislike the moé genre, I find mecha/shounen to be personally boring and not worth my time, nor my effort. And again, that's quite fair, my opinion is as it is, and I am entitled to hold it.

However, I would not, for instance, open up a discussion thread on the latest Gundam show, and then proceed to post about how much I disliked the studio (Sunrise, I believe?) because they weren't out their producing romantic comedies, or moé shows, or other shows in which I might have some interest. That's where my comprehension of what you're doing breaks down - surely there are plenty of other animation studios out there, and plenty of other shows, that do suit your interests and are worthy of your attention - so why the (if you'll pardon me) rampantly unnecessary antagonism here?

You have mentioned that KyoAni seem to 'win you over' with what you refer to as their 'careful and attentive treatment' to the source material, yet, the source material is never what you would prefer to watch. You wrote:

I also don't think its unfair for me to throw my support away from them and towards companies like Sunrise...

which is again, quite fair and quite justified. KyoAni aren't producing content for your market interests. You clearly stated yourself, Sunrise is. Yet, because KyoAni are producing moé shows, you feel somehow offended? There are plenty of studios out there that are catering to your tastes, and plenty of shows/content for you to consume that meets said tastes. Why then, this discussion?

Best wishes,

"Any good that I may do here, let me do now, for I may not pass this way again"
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