Thread: Licensed Shigurui: Death Frenzy
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Old 2007-03-25, 07:40   Link #12
Nomad Soul
Junior Member
Join Date: Dec 2005
Well, unlike Elfen Lied the violence and barbarity in Shigurui don't serve only as shock value. You could say they are an integral part of the world the author is depicting. Or what do you think what happens when someone swings a razor-sharp blade into your stomach, that candies would come out? As pointed out in the story description, Shigurui is uncompromising and pulls no punches when it comes to showing the violence that exists in the world of samurai. If anything, this manga is _too_ realistic.

As for your comments about sex between men, it's interesting to know that homosexuality was not only tolerated within the samurai class, it was encouraged. It wasn't uncommon for the samurai to go to male prostitutes as depicted in a scene at the beginning of the second volume.
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