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Old 2007-03-30, 04:56   Link #112
Join Date: Nov 2003
Location: The Fields of High Attus
Age: 34
OK, I watched it. But of course I have to blather on about it! It's the first episode after all. I always talk lots of crap on the first episode.

Like I guessed, more than intense and detailed character animation we got treated to some excellent composition and an amazing piece of work in general.

Spoiler for blah blah I love eyecandy blah blah:

I think what I like greatly so far is the good mix between the epic storyline but also the painstakingly detailed world and background design.
Spoiler for etc:

Of course, I love Barusa - I was very pleasantly surprised by her attitude! Truly a world-wise person.
Spoiler for z0mg!:

I never thought I'd enjoy the script of the show so much, but I ended up finding much delight in hearing (and seeing) the levels of formality within the show.
Spoiler for and so on:

...and now I've forgotten the rest of what I wanted to say, which is in fact perfectly fine since I've yapped on enough.

One last thing though, I still still still wish they had an instrumental opening... *grumbles* I guess I wasn't expecting such an upbeat/light mood to the show. Same goes with the music, maybe I'm spoiled by Kunihiko Ryo or I'm just biased against Kenji Kawai (this is true I think), but I didn't think it matched up to the rest of the show. But that's okay, this is already pretty great as it is.

And now let's just hope they keep it up.
Thanks for the fish
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