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Old 2007-04-08, 21:42   Link #35
Thread Killer
Join Date: Feb 2006
It's pretty simple as to why a lot of people like Marimite more than StoPani. The characters are simply more interesting and have significantly more depth to them. Marimite is also written with a certain level of class and dignity, which seems to be lacking in StoPani. How many times were there casual fanservice scenes in StoPani? These things just served to take away from the more serious moments in the show, or the potential drama that the writers were trying to build. Marimite incorporated its elements much more seemlessly and combined them into a more complete package than StoPani.

As for the comparisons, the two shows are somewhat similar in that there are situations that are common between them. Important meetings in front of a statue of the Virgin Mary, two main characters bonding over playing the piano, a student council member supporting another in the pursuit of a love interest despite their own personal feelings (Miyuki -> Shizuma -> Kaori vs Youko -> Sei -> Shiori). These are just some examples of common occurrences between the two, but I'm not really saying they are the same. YMMV.

Oh, and the StoPani characters at times look hella thin.
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