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Old 2007-04-08, 22:06   Link #556
Kaioshin Sama
Join Date: May 2004
Location: Neither Here nor There
Age: 39
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Originally Posted by Sheba View Post
There are a fight against "moé"???
It was a good one. Basically me and lolikitsune feel (felt in my case) that Moe is (was in my case) taking the place of real character and plot development in anime because it was cheap and fairly easy to recycle the same character types such as Tsundere, Bookish, Kawaii, Loli and settings such as school, small town where magical things happen etc. over and over again and still have people like the characters and the storyline, buy all the DVD's and Merchandise and make the show a success, even though everything was essentially superficial. There's a whole movement called the superflat movement that aims to counter the degradtion of culture in Japan and it frequently targets the Moe aesthetic. I'm something of a veteran of this whole movement, but I don't think its necessary anymore.

You can ask me about the things I saw. I've been all over the internet reading blogs on the Moe aesthetic and opinions on shows where it was deemed to be important to the shows success for the past year and it was kind of scary for a while just how easily people seemed to be lead along (The thing that stuck out the most is nobody really seemed to care about the overall quality of the show as long as an aspect of the show catered to their favourite moe fetishes). It all seems so distant now though, but it was only about a month ago I was slugging it out with these people trying to explain why I felt they were being led along by the nose and that they were basically reversing the relationship so that they were working basically giving away there money to the company rather than the company working hard to earn it. Man do I ever sound like some sort of War Vet . Anyway I've gone home so to speak as a result of the sudden and abrupt return to a normal company/viewer relationship (possibly as a result of the otakus running out of money and the whole pandering style of Moe collapsing upon itself) and it seems like 5 blogs suddenly popped up to do the same thing I'd been doing for a year. Where the heck were you guys like five months ago when I was going John Rambo solo on the industry, when it was really truly necessary.

I wanted to show people an example of the type of comedy that goes into a series like Lucky Star, but the source website is down and thus I can't give my lesson. Maybe tomorrow.

Last edited by Kaioshin Sama; 2007-04-08 at 22:21.
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