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Old 2007-04-09, 18:55   Link #270
Sabaku Kyu
The Ironman
Join Date: Sep 2006
Originally Posted by Sinaura
Would it be logical then to assume that Juugo's cursed seal is more potent and powerful than everyone else's?
I'd say he probably has the most powerful cursed seal aside from possibly Sasuke. But that leads to a question that's been irking me..

I'd give a lot to know how they've been keeping Juugo under control. I don't really expect them to go into detail about it, but it doesn't seem like just a cell, a ball 'n' chain and some lackey guards would have been enough to keep him contained for years.

At the end of the chapter, he activates his cursed seal and decides to kill the next person(girl) who walks through the door. If Juugo has full control of his seal and still has the killing urges, how did they experiment on him? We saw how easily that other cursed seal user escaped and took out every single guard. Juugo's probably much stronger than him. It seems like they'd have another line of defense with such dangerous subjects, a seal or barrier or something.
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