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Old 2007-04-17, 12:32   Link #10
Join Date: Apr 2007
Location: the netherlands
i ve searched over the internet for a nice version of paintchat... however i read some other forums who said that it was hard to find any.. so my question is where and how did u get your version

btw is paintchat a sort of chat programm where all kinda people can post there drawings while chatting.. or a programm where everyone draws while chatting and let it see to othet orrrr... is it a programm where chatters can work together on a kinda blanck paper and so work on their painters while watching/helping at other painthing who others make simotaniously ( sorry for my bad englisch )

lol, trying to learn now how to draw propper manga/anime... busy with sketches of character who make all sorts of movements ( u know those line characters.. very simple.. hope it will make my pictures in the future much better any tips for me)

lol cya
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