Thread: StarCraft 2
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Old 2007-05-01, 18:29   Link #38
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: event horizon
No the joke is that World of Starcraft (as it's writen on the door in the first slide) will be then (2009) the end of peoples social life. And let's face it, starcraft had way more succes then Bliz's warcraft francise, it's inevitable. Besides, Starcraft 2, all it needs is the name and Made by Blizzard logo on it, and it might as well be wrapped in toilet paper.

I don't think it's even feasably posible for it to be bashed down, even if it's for say a worthless piece of crap. For the first month or so it's going to be over-rated and overpraised like hell.

I hope Blizz won't do what's being rumored, basicly a simple upgrade to 3D and 2-3 extra units. Dammit I want new everything. I know a lot of pro's out there would love this, but I know it's just going to be so damn boring after the first 50hours or so. If you look back now at starcraft some of the things are just too cheezy for todays world. Like the hippy motorbike dude or the vespane gas sprouting out of metal plates.. lets not even talk about the ginormous flat surfaced space stations, or the way the lurker attack looks and works, did I mention zergs tongue defence. And then there are just these graphics things like, burning terran buildings, like bunkers and such.

It's going to be intresting if they make it 3d, one of the things that was really intresting in a 3D starcraft would be the buildings. I mean let's not kid ourselvs who can imagine a 3D version of the protos stargate. Or how exactly that first level 2 building were you build observers is suppose to work. There's a little magic in the 2D ambiguity.
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