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Old 2007-05-04, 04:34   Link #18
阿賀野型3番艦、矢矧 Lv180
*Graphic Designer
Join Date: Mar 2006
Location: Belgium, Brussels
Age: 37
Originally Posted by Riker View Post
My first PPD! sig. Using the same technique as the modified flippy sig. Somehow, something didn't feel quite right, although I can't really pinpoint the problem. Maybe Klashikari can help? ; )

err? me? you mean me, the one with the useless analyses ? ~~
i think pelli would be more qualified for this ^^' (seriously, animated signature aren't really my field... except if you are asking me some details of the overal look XD)

but, well, if i have to write up, what i feel wrong :
1) the contrast between green and orange/yellow doesn't match at all (at least for me). due the moe aspect of both char and title, i would suggest pink and white but...that's me, and my opinion
2) the background is a nice idea with the rotating picture. however, since it simply cut in half, with the colors with different tones, it doesn't have really an impact. (i would suggest some elements on the brackground, or a real BG...*scratches his head* )
3) this is probably hard to do, and will probably makes the limit problem worse, but the title should "pop" instead of fading in. (due the "moe" aspect of the character and the title, it feels more appropriate for some "toon" movement). an alternative would be the title coming from the left.
4) again, the problem of the size limit : the quality of the rotating pictures are a bit too low (or is it a filter? it is hard to distinguish the outlines), and the title is blurry, and jagged in the same time :x
5) the font of your nickname doesn't match at all.

well... this is how i could pull my head on it... hope wasn't too harsh or completely out of the whack
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