Thread: Licensed Denno Coil (TV Series!)
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Old 2007-05-13, 09:40   Link #94
Join Date: Feb 2006
Age: 35
Dennou Coil’s first episode was amazingly charming for the lack of a better word. I won’t currently comment on the setting or storyline beyond what one could easily with the eyes due to my pathetically poor understanding of Japanese but even at such a point of complete visual interpretation not even the pickier of critics can deny how well constructed the episode was beyond the seemingly formulaic “new girls get to town meets new friends encounters mysterious creatures and we end the episode in a cliffhanger” premise.

I suppose the best part of the show is how visual the storytelling is, both in terms of storyboard scene composition and the impressive movement by itself. This may be a little significant bias of me, but as Gurren-Lagann this show achieves what I’ve come to appreciate more in animation: narrative through images. In the end, it greatly helps the multilayered presentation Iso was going for, a really fun kid’s adventure show with an intriguing world outlook and an overall melancholic mood that uses its playfulness to reach an underlying target of adults that long for their childhood.

And I of course couldn’t end this without some comment on the movement, which sported a really nice low-key weighty naturalistic yet cartoony depiction. The motions were very dynamic yet understated, like if they were using an extremely precise exaggeration of action with a very clear objective of what they want to show in screen. It doesn’t harm that technically it is fairly, heavy injustice to the actual quality, well done and sleek.

On a related note... what were the main credits for the episode?
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