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Old 2007-05-13, 20:38   Link #325
shinku no kage
:Still Yayoi's Onii~chan:
Join Date: May 2007
Location: in a world of delusions & illusions
Okay, can anyone get a sig with the scene from the OP right before they cut to the title? Its like 00:10+ from when the song starts. I think its right when they're saying "...PLEEEEAAASE!!!". I like that pic of Kagami and Konata. An animation is great if anyone has the time but I'm mainly looking for the pic.

...and I know I'm pushing it but also an animation from ep.5 of Konata when she gave up on her homework and started to play a MMO. Just her expression changing from relaxed to when she got the item in the game.

...thanx in advance for any help. ^^
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