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Old 2007-05-14, 08:27   Link #73
I don't give a damn, dude
Join Date: Nov 2006
Location: In Despair
Age: 38
The first time I finished watching this, the following picture visually represents my reaction at that time perfectly;

Spoiler for a word that is NSFW:

I had to watch it a second time immediately to gather my thoughts, and I'll have to say one thing. The previous episode made me think that there was no way I could rate the Final Critique for Sola higher than Kanon 2006's Final Critique. This episode made me think otherwise.

All the critics who questioned the validity of Aono's presence in the whole shebang are going to eat their words. All the assumptions about Yorito that has been erstwhile taken for granted are now thrown out the window. Everything that has been comfortable about this series has now been replaced by thoroughly uncomfortable questions, with just enough clues to whet the appetite, yet not enough for anyone to make a solid deduction.

This is the perfect plot twist, no matter which way I look at it.

10/10. Anything less is a travesty.

Now, as everybody will no doubt be speculating their butts off, I shall refrain for the time being, as I'm really more interested in seeing everyone's speculations for now, rather than give my own for the time being. On the other hand, I'll give random thoughts for lack of anything better to say. I'm going to need some time to recover from this mind-.....well, you know.

All time frames are from the Lunar Sub:

1) I'm surprised that Yorito and Mana can take the fact of the previous day's events with a straight face. Then again, it's not like there wasn't precedent for it...

2) 03:39-03:51. "Iron Claw", Matsuri? Whatever happened to your theory that a good, simple kick can fix anything?

3) Whatever Mayuko is, we can be reasonably sure she's not a Yaka, or at least not in the same vein as Matsuri


are. She wouldn't be able to accompany Takeshi to the hospital otherwise in broad daylight.

4) 04:43-04:44. The animation of the Mayuko-Koyori collision is way too rough. They didn't even look like they touched each other. Another example of Nomad's animators being lazy again.

5) 05:29-05:37. So not only is Mana stacked, she also packs a nice trunk area, too.

6) 16:07-16:53. Getting rid of the competition, are we, Matsuri-san?

7) Does anyone else think that Koyori's speech pattern is eeriely similar to that of AIR (TV)'s Uraha?


9) Somehow, I don't think the last scene is Matsuri's bye-bye. Don't ask me why, I just have this feeling Yorito will return home next episode to find her sitting pretty somewhere within his house.
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