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Old 2007-05-21, 23:58   Link #205
Anime Snark
Join Date: May 2006
Location: Singapore
Age: 41

Originally Posted by Ascaloth View Post
And oh, just in case your theory holds true...if Aono mind-controls Mana into a psycho-moe state, would it count towards your having your own foot for breakfast?
No, it would not count. I have a very specific guideline for rating and determining Psycho-moe. One of these guidelines is that the psychoticism must come from the person's own free will, and not due to external influences (such as drugs).

Forced psychoticism is a fake psycho-moe, and as such, not worthy of being labelled psycho-moe.

Additionally, while Yandere and Psycho-moe shares some similarities, I do not see them as being the same. Yandere is a sub-section of Psycho-moe. A character does not need to have a "Dere" side in order to be a candidate for Psycho-moe. Yanderes are just more well-recognised (and remembered) because the contrast between their non-psycho-side and their psycho-side is that much more pronounced.

Psycho-moe is about the loss of control and/or rationality. It can also be used to describe the questionable mental health of a person. Psycho-moe however, is NOT about the negative emotions such as anger and jealousy. Those emotions just act as catalysts for the outburst of Psycho-moe. This is the distinction that most people fail to make when they claim a person is getting psychotic.

Furthermore, people also need to be careful about differentiating between Angst and Psycho-moe. It rubs me the wrong way whenever people interchange these two terms freely. Angst is NOT Psycho-moe.

To put it very simply, when a person is in Angst, he is usually wallowing in self-pity and loses his direction in life. When a person is in Psycho-moe, he STILL has a direction in life, but takes a twisted path towards it. It is these twisted actions that make them so adorable and endearing.

For example, let us assume that it is true that Mana is being mind-controlled by Aono. If Mana breaks down hysterically and avoids people while questioning the meaning of her existence in the past few months, then this would be Angst.

It would take something extra before it becomes Psycho-moe.

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