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Old 2007-05-22, 01:58   Link #210
Join Date: May 2006
As I allready wrote - Aono is sick in mind. I am not condemming her 'cause we don't know if she did this to Matsuri willingly or it just happend, but I am condemming her jealousy. If your love for someone is pure and not sick, you can still love him and be happy, 'cause he/she is happy in life - even if he/she is with a nother person in love relationship. Or if you are more realistic you can see that he wont love you, wish him luck and try to find your own happyness. To much jealousy is allways bad and bring people into a state of insanity where they can't see anymore what is good or bad, what is true or not... brings to murders...
That is why I am against obssesive jealousy. That is why I don't like Aono. For me she should just stay in the hospital - hospital for insane people and be treated by a very good psychoterapist
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