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Old 2007-05-22, 06:33   Link #216
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: event horizon
Originally Posted by orion View Post
time 7:07-9:38: Aono did some cleaning. She rearranged the room and took all of Yorito's sky pics down and didn't tell him where they went. Yorito pops a cork and storms out. Koyori tries to cover for Aono and gets yelled at too. Aono comforts Koyori and then gives Yorito his pic back. This is not what Kyuusai is upset over but it sets it up for everything else to follow.
Kayori didn't lie. That is most likely what Aono's intention was. Remember she doesn't have a love affair with Yorito. (at least we have no proof of such)

Flash back scenes would hint that its some sort of brother sister complex or something, but she doesn't seem to have a grudge against Matsuri.

Originally Posted by orion View Post
time 16:42-17:35: Yorito has problems remembering past events and Matsuri memories keep creeping thru. Common thought is that Aono has manipulated his memories if he is the original or he has only been around for 3 months and Aono has created him. Aono may also have been trying to manipulate his memories during this scene.
And if Aono created him, then what would be the point to hate Aono.
If he was already gone.. then using Sky's logic, Aono has legitimate rights over him

I don't like that kind of logic either, but there's still no reason to treat Yorito as more of a person and Aono as less.

Originally Posted by orion View Post
time 20:10-20;19: Aono wandering around without an umbrella (Yorito ditched her to find Matsuri and she did not pick up his umbrella.) has a flashback in which Matsuri promises not to show herself around them ever again. This is the evidence as to why Aono was so confident in the above segment starting at 7:07 that Matsuri was gone for good. She's upset now that Matsuri is still in town.
O.o And..
Matsuri broke her promise and Aono didn't pick Yorito's umbrella, so now Aono's guilty of something.
Remember Yorito is completely obsessed, he was even imagining Aono as Matsuri when they were walking in the rain.

Originally Posted by orion View Post
time 20:49-22:06: As Matsuri pleads for Yorito to leave and Yorito refuses, Aono goes SEED. Matsuri has a higher pitched gasp as Yorito draws her to him and says" Lets go home.". Unfortunately for Matsuri, that high pitched gasp was because she just got stabbed in the gut with a glass shard. Pain was the only reason for that gasp, not passion, and she falls unconscious saying "Yorito". Shot of Yorito shows him in SEED mode too holding a wickedly jagged and bloody glass shard. Common thought is that Aono in SEED mode manipulated Yorito to stab Matsuri. This is the cliffhanger that spawned over 100 posts before the subs.
Someone, I think, already mentioned Yorito had both his hands around her.
But then again the quality of the scene was kinda shaky, we'll need to see how it turns out to understand what really happened.
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