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Old 2007-05-26, 15:51   Link #842
Junior Member
Join Date: May 2007
ok you guys has forced me to register in this forum to make this comment. Sorry I only read till page 9.

Regarding Nanoha's punishment I think that it is not wrong at all.
When Tea failed in the mission, Nanoha did ask her to promise not to repeat her mistake again. Saying that she is not along and working as a team (where her job is a long range support).

But during the training, again Tea forget her promise and break the rule. She make Subaru do reckless atttacks and herself go to the front line (no longer as a support). What happens if it is the real mission and IF Tea failed the attack and disabled herself as a support for Subrau? That will make the whole team in danger.

That's why Nanoha punish Tea. Why she shot twice is because the first one effects is reduced by Tea barrier. And Nanoha never release her limiter. She just order RH to be in release mode (that's not mean to release her limiter).

So I dont think Nanoha is snapped. and Also is it alright for the trainee to attack with all their might (that's what always they do in the training anyway). The only cause is her dissapointment in Tia's action.
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