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Old 2007-05-26, 19:42   Link #4
Hail pork!
*Graphic Designer
Join Date: May 2007
Location: Silicon Valley
You might know me from somewhere lol... I'm a drifter offering my services to different forums. I don't hang out anywhere else but the gfx sections on forums. Your work is not bad but I like to give to people straight. I'm not here to make anyone butt hurt or anything but rather want the sig creator to improve on their skills. I've also provided some video tutorials in the tut section on different photoshop tools and sig creations. I recently made the move from windows to Mac OSX and trying to get a new video capture video so I can continue making vid tuts on sigs and what not. When I have time, I'll take the time and critique your work in small bunches. I look forward to seeing some new work. If you have any questions, let me know what's up. I actually like to critique then make sigs lol... it's fun to see others excel in sig making!
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