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Old 2007-05-29, 15:40   Link #8
L-E Staff Translator
Join Date: May 2006
Location: Falls Church, VA
Age: 34
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I personally am not a fan of the series but when you're given the responsibility of running a show, you kind of develop an attachment for it because of it's nature of importance to you. Yes, episode 52 at long last... after six? encodes. This episode was really really cursed and the circuit house at my home blew up today and I was without electricity at the hour I was actually planning to release this thing.

Anyways, all is well that ends well. It's very touching to finally get the shiny COMPLETE. *_*

/me wonders if Tofu will show up in the next few days.

The batch torrent is being prepared. Look forward to it and don't forget to read the readme text we're including there.


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