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Old 2007-06-01, 13:04   Link #178
Kaioshin Sama
Join Date: May 2004
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Age: 39
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Originally Posted by Vexx View Post
Basically I think its cute (blurring the line tween fantasy and reality) but I'm not going to go out and buy NewType just because of it. For those that do, P.T. Barnum said it best For those that already buy/subscribe, its just an extra little bonus/silliness.
I'll choose what I'm suckered for more carefully.
Thank god for that. That's exactly what it should be, an added bonus. I honestly cannot believe how many comments on blogs I've already seen about people wanting to buy the issue just for that fanart, and they don't even appear to be literate in Japanese either. I mean I knew some KyoAni fans where rabid, but I still held out hope that they could discriminate between "advertising and extremely cool play between anime and real life".

Ebay should have some auctions for it soon enough I would imagine.

Seriously though the comments like the one I mentioned in my post seriously make me worry for the future of independent thought. I just wish these people would actually consider a little bit before commenting on something which I think is controversial and bears a little extra thought and consideration. Even a little, "Well I know it's advertising and it's neat, but maybe I'll check out what else is in the issue and see if I want to buy it, then I'll also have the fanart" would be better than:

June 1st, 2007 at 7:29 am

So did Hirano Aya drew this?
Maybe it's just one of those mistakes of youth. And yes I know these people don't represent Kyoto Animation and Anime Fans as a whole, but my god are there a lot more of these types of fans in Kyoto Animation's court then any other companies. How can anyone deny that?
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