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Old 2007-06-03, 06:46   Link #47
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Originally Posted by Cats View Post
There's a small chance we might get a new character, one that's well non-conformant to the rest~ small chance though.

There's also the issue with Takeshi. What he knows is obviously correct. And so the kill a Yaka to turn another into a human may be true as well. But I have to wonder, how is it that Takeshi-san found all of this out while being all this time with Mayuko. Somethings fishy~

Also if it ever comes to Matsuri or Aono as sacrifice for the other then it's likely it will be Aono to die :'( since she's the one who committed suicide. It's also interesting how this may be a motive to revive someone. As monir nicely put it: "Kindness is probably one of the cruelest forms of cruelty."

Love~ ♥
small chance you say? introducing a new character so near to the end? you need a cookie if that happened (so im saying that theres no way it will happen) ~

takeshi knows what hes doing is correct? i dont think so...imo he is just disillusioned at the truth...mayuko cannot be human again so intead he is fixated with the fact that all he needed was to kill matsuri inorder to keep his promise (which was the only thing keeping mayuko alive) ~ he needed an aim/goal for her to survive living as a yaka...

and yea...aono doesnt get enough love to stay alive >_<

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