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Old 2007-06-13, 14:17   Link #295
Lovestruck Fool
Join Date: Jan 2006

Originally Posted by lftwgr View Post
I don't think Kids Meal means Harima only gets one of them.

(From WF SR Wiki)

The Kids Meal Faction refers to the Harima x Eri x Yakumo pairing. The name comes from a Japanese kids meal being a combination of onigiri and a little japanese flag. Essentially a subset of the Monkey Faction, this faction allows for Harima to have more than one girl, although his choices are limited to only Yakumo and Eri. This is a popular faction for those who don't want to choose between Eri or Yakumo.
These things seem to be frequently changing. When we first had the faction discussion on Animesuki (around the time when the Cultural Festival arc was just being released), Kids' Meal was either one or the other. When the present faction poll came around and was left uncorrected, I gave up trying to correct it.

For that matter, a number of the names that we commonly use are different from the current 2ch versions - 'Smile' is used in place of 'Banana', for example.
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