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Old 2009-07-30, 21:59   Link #185
Junior Member
Join Date: Jun 2009
After catching up with the series, I'm totally gob-smacked amazed by this episode. The gut-wrenching ending really puts the screws to the intimate relationship between Horo and Lawrence. There's a time for business, and there's a time for personal affairs, mixing the two can be a combustible nightmare, and Lawrence has crossed that delicate line, jeopardizing his relationship. Exuberant pride can be the downfall of even a king.

Horo's fear of being alone really hit home. She is a social being (wolves are social by nature), and her precious joyous time spent with Lawrence reflects how empty her existence has been, without the presence and company of others. And with no home to return to, a new family would give her that comfort and closeness she would miss. She doesn't want Lawrence's pity. And his objection to give her a child reveals the reservations of his feelings for her and the relationship. There's a line he won't cross with her, apparently. Perhaps he considers consummation with her kind as taboo, and even unclean? Eye-opening moment.
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