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Old 2011-11-09, 03:41   Link #78
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Join Date: Jan 2009
Location: Athens (GMT+2)
Age: 35
@ hyped Arrancar not Kubo.
Sorry for being rude, but I'll answer to this even though it isn't directed at me. Kubo TOTALLY hyped the arrancar. Starting with Toushiro's theory of 6 VL being enough to destroy SS, the conquistadores invasion of mooks followed by Grimmjow, to how Aizen later told him to share his news with his 20 brothers (insinuating Aizen had at least 20 arrancar, all far stronger than VCs and Toushiro who could barely beat mooks at 100% power). Then comes Ulquiorra with his second release and "stronger than everyone" aura, and don't get me started on the abomination that is #0...Also, some of us had thought about the existence a Hueco Mundo king, counterpart to the spirit king, and Kubo turned that into Barragan. Saying that fans hyped the arrancar is madness! Well, it's not blasphemy and this isn't Sparta, all the fans did (at least in this forum) was speculation on whether or not the espada survived their fights, who amongst their ranks were VL beforehand and if any of them would join the good guys later on. That's not hyping them up...

They were only necessary to develop Ginjou and Hollow powers
I don't see how either of these happened...
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