Thread: Licensed Cage of Eden
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Old 2013-01-21, 20:48   Link #779
Join Date: Mar 2006
The problem with the story is that the island can only carry it so far. When they reached the pyramid and confirmed all of the man made stuff, that took the information the kids could learn into a completely new direction. Most of the mystery about the island itself was known by the time they arrived at the living quarters. The author could have cut down on some of the fluff in the story, but it still required explanations that the island itself couldn't give. Just look at how much story Akira's mother helped fill in. The manga needed more of that.

In short, ending the story and getting the kids off the island was really the only logical way to end this in such a short time. If by chance a continuation happens, the story can explain the rest when they reach (whatever is left of) civilization. In fact, the story will probably be better off for it.
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