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Old 2009-09-24, 13:24   Link #62
Senior Member
Join Date: Dec 2005
Ah, looks like I was wrong about Luffy and Moria...... Moria wants to steal Luffy's shadow again so he can reanimate Oars Jr. (lol at Luffy calling Moria annoying ). I see that the zombies still have stitches and animal limbs, so I guess Moria really did have Hogback prepare him a little undead army in advance......

Anyway, I thought this chapter was awesome. While we see Luffy rushing through thousands of marines again, notice that he isn't practically steamrolling through them like he did in Enies Lobby, which of course makes sense (he even comments on how tough the marines are). Y'know, before this arc I had figured that Luffy wouldn't encounter Smoker again until they met in the New World, but seeing how chaotic things are now it's very much possible that they could confront each other as soon as next chapter. Perhaps that would be the best opportunity for Luffy to realize his true potential in his Haki. And besides, Smoker would be a good opponent since he's a powerful Logia, but not quite admiral-level.......

Oh, and it's great to see more Buggy shenanigans! I love how his followers mistake his cry to go home as trash-talk to Kizaru. Boy, would it be hilarious if Buggy really were forced to face an admiral......
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