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Old 2007-09-16, 01:23   Link #10013
Field Medic
Join Date: May 2007
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to TK: On the destructiveness of Lost Logia:

While individually, most seem to be of a relatively low level compared to conventional physical effects ( book of Darkness excepted), it's possibly (nay, necessary) that some can increase in destructive effect exponentially when used in concert

As is the case in the first series, when Precia Testarossa plans to use the 21 jewel seeds to destroy the Whole Multiverse(!) in order to allow her to slip through the dimensional interval caused at the moment of the multiverse's destruction to travel to Al Hazard (which presumably lies 'outside' it)

In the case of the Book of Darkness, when it goes out of control, it expands infinitely in size, and absorbs everything in the same universe as itself (artificial supermassive black hole?), before then starving and dying off (Singularity evaporation via hawking radiation?), to be reincarnated elsewhere. I think one of the SS mentions that it's killed at least one universe like this in the past.

And of course, there's the events around Al hazard itself.

So the potential for massively destructive Lost Logia, either singly or when combined is there in Canon, it's simply that we don't know the likely incidence of such cases.

I would tend to think these are the exceptions, and that most such Lost Logia capable of such Destruction will in fact have been destroyed as a result of their tendency towards such massive destruction, making extreme level Lost Logia the exception rather than the rule. The point being, the STAB takes no chances, because they Can't know the odds on whether a Lost Logia will be low or extreme level..
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