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Old 2012-12-29, 10:30   Link #25486
Join Date: Feb 2004
Location: Massachusetts
Age: 34
Originally Posted by TinyRedLeaf View Post
And, lastly, a thought-provoking opinion piece:

In a crisis, humanists seem absent
That's a pretty stupid article IMO. The majority of agnostics and atheists don't consider themselves part of some 'group' like humanists. They just don't believe in any organized religion, simple as that.

As I get older I get less and less inclined to defend atheism or, more specifically, agnosticism. I have no problem with people choosing to be religious and I am really only an agnostic because I can't 'force' myself to believe in any world religion which seems false to me. But a guy like this, who clearly seems to be taking aim at an extremely disparate group of people, with little in common other than their lack of belief in organized religion, draws my ire a bit.

I don't want to be part of some group called 'humanists' just because I lack belief in a religion. This isn't a facet of my person that is central enough to make me part of some kind of organization. I feel it's more than enough, for me; speaking to both my religious and non-religious friends about the absolute atrocity this massacre represents. I don't need some group to represent that thought and belief.

Originally Posted by Anh_Minh View Post

Of course, I find the article itself suspect in the way it frames things. It's asking what the atheists' spiritual leaders are doing. I can't help but think there's a problem there.
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