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Old 2012-08-16, 17:50   Link #284
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Join Date: Oct 2011
Originally Posted by Shimapan View Post
True, for supposedly being a solo player, he teams up quite often.

Yes, he's got a very bad reputation at the beginning, yet we see no consequences of it whatsoever. One would expect that there are indeed some people trying to PK him because of that.
Or, if they don't want to do the deed himself, they'll just hire a PK death squad like Laughing Coffin to murder the person. As we've seen a single person holding a grudge is enough already, regardless how ludicrous the reason for the grudge is. Grimlock had a grudge against Griselda just because she turned out to be a different person that what he wanted her to be, so he had her murdered by Laughing coffin.

Thus we see that PK guilds do take assassination requests, and that they're not picky when it comes to the reasons for it - they probably don't care.
Now LC didn't have the slightest problem to murder Griselda, a well-respected guild member. How much easier must it be for them to murder someone who is a solo player and not well liked by several people?
We've already seen that Kirito wouldn't be able to deal with LC, if he would be all by himself (hence the bluff about other front liners coming) - and he *would* be all by himself, all the time, as a solo player!

As such, if he really would be a solo player, he would be in constant danger of being assassinated, given his bad reputation at the beginning.

Treu, there are a lot of blanks for the audience to fill in. This whole thing reeks of a "make stuff up as I go"-storytelling by the author, in which nothing was planned out beforehand, but where he simply makes stuff up as he goes, just as his story requires it. Many of the stuff made up in situ is then promptly discarded again, once it has served its usefulness, to never be heard of again - like e.g. the pet revival flower. He just made up the ideas of pets in the spot, because the story required it for Silica to be even cuter. Then he decided he needed some more drama, so he had her pet die, and Kirito then conveniently knows where there's a pet revival flower, even though he'd never seend a pet before in the game. Super-Kirito saves the day again! I seriously doubt we'll hear of pets again, they have fulfilled their role of making Silica even cuter and can thus drop off the face of earth, err, Arcrad again.

At the beginning Kirito was portrayed as a solo player to make him look tougher. Look, Super-Kirito can take on anything by himself, he doesn't need a guild. As with many other things as well, this was done without any regards of the implications thereof.
His supposed solo player status was then simply ignored on several occassions, just so he could team up with others whenever the story required it. Having him a solo players isn't too practical, after all.

As I pointed out above, being a solo player would also be very dangerous in hindsight, with the PK guilds which the author made up later on, and which still later also carry out assasinations for pretty much arbitrary reasons. Again, this was probably made up on the spot as well, as he felt he needed more powerful antagonists, without any regards for the implications.

Those three all don't fit at all, if he's supposed to be a solo player. He had a very bad reputation at the beginning. If he really had been a solo player and kept to himself all the time, no one would've got to know him, and his bad reputation would've remained. As a consequence, no one wopuld've wanted to have him around, especially not in critical situations where you need people you can trust 100%, like in boss clearings.
For his reputation to change, he can't have stayed a solo plyer, but must've played together with others frequently, for extended periods of time as well, so that they see that he isn't as bad as his reputation says, but actually a nice guy. He must've played together with others especially well even, for a long time, so that they trust him enough to rely on him in crital situations like the boss clearings.

No even remotely sane person would say: "Look, there's Super-Kirito. He's super strong, but has an awful reputation. As he always stays by himself as a solo player and never talks with anyone, no one knows anything about him. But hey, let's invite him to the boss clearings, just because, even if we need 100% dependable people for such critical operations. So what if he turns out to be a bad person and attacks our backs while we're fighting the boss?"

Kirito supposedly being a solo player probably seemed a good idea to the author at the beginning ("Look at Super-Kirito, handling all by himself!"), but becomes more and more impractical as the story proceeds, so he teams up several times regardless, and it also becomes more and more unlikely, if not even impossible, as more and more story elements are made up on the spot without previous planning, like strong PK guilds (LC) which also do assasinations for abitrary reasons.
Grimlock and Griselda was married in real life, quite a lot more personal connection there. Most people don't go around plotting to kill strangers, even if they have some minor disagrement with them. There is a reason why most murderers know the victim well.

So what if Kirito's fears didn't come true. He is just a 14 year old kid, he isn't omniscient. He stayed mostly by himself, it may not have been quite needed, but that doesn't make it a plot hole, just a mistake by him.

Why would people that already met him develop amnesia and forget him because of what he did? Even more so for the ones who were there and realised why he did it? Asuna and Egil are obvious, but even others who were there either realised it then or got wiser in time.

But I think that fiction series are not for you really. You seem to look for faults, even where there are none. That makes for a poor experience as series like these don't have time to explain every little detail. If you want to assume that everything that isn't explained is wrong somehow, then you will see flaws all over everytime.
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