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Old 2011-11-13, 20:23   Link #54
GN0010 Nosferatu
Where's the monoeye?
Join Date: Dec 2008
Location: Hargenteen
Age: 35
Originally Posted by ion475 View Post
Well, start with the preview, Largen seems screwed...(Probably not, unless they're THAT stupid to show a death in the freaking preview...)

Now back to the episode...
1. The Fadain civil war seems to be out of nowhere. Oh, suddenly, you have a bunch of freaking MS fighting each other?
2. The random UE. Of course, this time, it's able to stop Dots Rifle. Hey, I mean, it have to just so that the Gundam get some new weapon...
3. Grodek is still awesome. I always love cunning people more anyway.
4. Finally comes the point that I really can't stand - Seriously, you just send out a freaking WMD just b/c a freaking kids ask for it, then no one seems to even care about it afterward (Other than "Wait, Gundam? When did it happen? Who cares, Flit can just destroy those stupid Zakus anyway").
5. Well, of course, depending on next episode, we'll see what Zeon Zalam do with Gundam. If it is me, I would force Flit out of it, execute him, then use it to wipe out those Eubas. (On the other hand, if I am Flit, I'll just use Dots Rifle and wipe those 5 MSs out already. I mean, like those Zaku Gala/Zela can even scratch Gundam...)
6. And I wish the episode would have been a life lesson for Flit. So far, no...
It may have come out of nowhere in the show, but we've known of the civil war for a few weeks now.

Flit can't use the DODDS rifle because it's too powerful. It would tear through the Zaku's and then pass through the metal protection for the buildings.
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