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Old 2008-03-25, 15:53   Link #208
Join Date: Jan 2008
Noe is supposed to get her tears back by taking them from someone dear to her as she herself said in the early episodes, that's supposed to be the mechanism although the exact method in episode 13 may be different. That's what her grandmother told her and that's what Noe believes. The only ones that qualify are Shin and Jun. So Shin will probably cry and Noe will take his tears. Shin could cry because of his feelings for Hiromi and because of all the misunderstandings that created this situation to hurt Noe. Noe said to Hiromi "They're beautiful...your tears". She wants to be able to cry like Hiromi can, in fact she used to cry a lot as Jun said before she took to heart her grandmother's act of "taking her tears away". There are times when Noe has wanted to cry but can't because of her belief that her grandmother took her tears away and she needs to regain her tears by taking them from someone dear to her.

The story is set up so that Shin is the one that Noe is supposed to take the tears from in order to regain her own tears but Jun also qualifies as a person dear to her. It makes it interesting now that Noe knows about Jun's feelings for her and she did express that she did'nt want him to move away. Noe has to reconcile all the new knowledge she did'nt have until recently. As she said to herself this episode at 17:25, she did'nt notice her brother's feelings for her, Hiromi's feelings for Shin, and Shin's true feelings for Hiromi. All those feelings existed before Noe met Shin. I think Noe herself has a decision to make in episode 13 because she said "Shinichiro said that I could fly" in the preview, and she seemed to be considering the feelings of the other three as well as her own in this episode.

We've seen Hiromi, Aiko, and Jun cry. Both Shin and Noe have not cried. Shin's own tears are probably what is needed for Noe to be able to cry again.

Last edited by jaisrh; 2008-03-25 at 16:33.
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