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Old 2008-09-28, 23:18   Link #7470
Join Date: Aug 2008
hello people.

I know that I don't post so much in this forum and sometimes I was a jerk with some persons in the kallen topic, well doesn't matter.
I was reading and reading the whole posts things and I wanted to know, wha actually really happen in the lancelot albion vs gullen seiten fight? I have seen the episode at least 2 times and that part like 7 times, and reading a lot of post.
Some people say that kallen won, but I don't think so because all was part of the plan, but still I want to hear the opinion from a person with a lot of basis and not just fanboysm, so could some one tell me if I'm wrong with my point of view from this battle? please, I really want to know.

plus: have anyone notice that albion didn't use his feather beams?
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