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Old 2012-09-08, 13:38   Link #2737
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Join Date: Jan 2009
Location: Athens (GMT+2)
Age: 35
Soraka may have big heals but they're not that hard to out-brute and that CD on Q is far too long.
Having played a Soraka vs Urgot lane today (yes I had Shaco and she had Garen but they both just sucked so much, it was basically a 1v1), her harass potential comes out of E. Do it whole barely exiting the brush and sneak back in, it's not as effectuve as your casual harass but it gets the job done.
is Zilean worth it?
The first thing you notice about him is his passive, it really helps your jungler hit LV6 faster, which in turn means faster or better coordinated ganks.

Zilean is obviously a very offensive support and unlike your staple role-players, he will require creep kills. Not so much to farm gold, but to unleash the burst damage in his QWQ combo. This is best used on your own minions when they are about to get last-hit by melee champions, but if they're both ranged then aim for a weak caster creep and 2x bomb it for a very considerable amount of damage.

His speed skill is very strong, but very short, so getting it to LV3 or so before working on W is a good choice. It completely shuts down champions like Rammus, so he's a good counter for that kind. Use his ultimate as you see fit, it's best used on someone besides yourself. Despite what people say about him falling off late-game, it's exactly the opposite; with max CDR and a powerful mana supply such as grail, he can 1v2 even the hardest CC tanks, either by separating them from their team or by picking them off with chain slow and bombs.
Summoner spells: CV/flash/cleanse, I usually take CV and cleanse.
Now, his drawbacks:
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