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Old 2014-07-19, 00:01   Link #1
≠epic failure
Join Date: Jun 2014
Location: Glendale, AZ
Age: 37
Criticism of when women do the voices of 13+ boys in anime

I know there's the issue of male seiyuu sounding too forced when playing a 13+ male character or the issue of child labor laws that they can't get a real male teen to play a teen male. However, this is not about that.

I feel that no 13+ guy should have a woman's voice except when he gets turned into a girl, is very effeminate/androgynous, or regularly cross dresses. There are some exceptions I'll take outside of these but I don't know when yet.

What I've seen of the Japanese version of Mirai Nikki, Yukii was especially guilty of thi and it's seem especially out of place to me when it's a harem/fan service heavy show

Sasha in Seikon no Qwaser might sound more masculine but I still think it's miscast and not as convincing as the Japanese Naruto. Heck, I find the Japanese Naruto the most convincing voice of a 13+ female-voiced male.

I know that adult Goku has a kid mentality but I don't think that justifies that he still has a woman's voice (even if the creator picked the seiyuu) because you could still carry the personality that Goku has sans the female voice.

Whiny teens like Armin and Shinji can still convey the same personality using male voices.

That being said, what 13+ guy do you do think it was a miscast for the Japanese to have a female voice for him?

Just as there threads praising a Japanese VA doing a role, this is 1 of those threads that does the opposite.
≠epic fail
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