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Old 2009-06-28, 17:48   Link #38
Join Date: Mar 2006
Originally Posted by willyvereb View Post
I have to agree with you to some extend. Akiha has much support and what she's done? Nearly nothing. She remained secluded in her own peacefull world and tried to not notice all the changes around her.
It reminds me of early criticism of Harry Potter. Exactly why was he so special? He was the "boy who lived". He didn't actually do anything except survive, and people are lavishing praise upon him, telling him he's going to be this super guy, and basically stroking his epeen every story.

Now granted, he has his share of problems (like a Dark Wizard wanting to kill him), but he's surrounded by all these amazing people supporting him every step of the way and you have to wonder sometimes what exactly makes this guy so special that he's garnered so much love, support, and attention? Because you can't really tell just by looking at him.

Akiha very much reminds me of this, and while Nami's actions aren't great either (life sucks, get over it), at least Nami has some reasons for the way she is. Akiha...not so much. She's special because the story said she was special, there's really no explanation for it.

This is contrary to a Mary Sue type character such as Arika from Mai-Otome, who while rather stupid, at least blundered along and tried her best despite her mistakes (ignoring the obvious plot devices of the story of course).
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